Remembrance Journal: A prompting journal for the grieving soul
A prompting journal for the grieving soul. A safe place to share the most memorable moments of your loved...
Celebrating the Holidays: Ideas to Include the Departed
Celebrate the holidays with family and friends, knowing that your loved ones in spirit will be with you....
Grieving the Intangible: Loss Without Death
You are feeling grief but yet no one around you has died. I get it. I hear you. We don't have to have...
Grief and Recovery: Expectations vs. Reality
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind. Feelings you have that follow a loss are...
A Prompting Journal for the Grieving Soul
This journal is designed for grieving loved ones and is a safe space to share memorable moments.
The Father's Day Blues
The Father's Day Blues: Fathers are not built the same. Father’s Day may leave you sad, angry, or grief-ridden.
Nurturing Your Gifts: The Role of Spiritual Circles in Mediumship Practice
Nurturing Your Gifts: The Role of Spiritual Circles in Mediumship Practice
Dearest Spiritual Mediumship...
Connecting with Your Spirit Animals: A Simple Exercise
Our spiritual teams are grander than we often imagine them to be. It is all too important not to dismiss...
Can I learn mediumship? Here’s What You Need to Know
Can I learn mediumship? What you need to know... One’s mediumship journey is unique and individual. Some...
Are you Telepathic?
Telepathy is a mind-to-mind form of communication that can be beneficial in various aspects of life,...
Affirmations for Your Spiritual Practice
Affirmations help to align your soul's emotional and physical states of being. Pave the way for your...
A letter to your Spirit Guides or Angels (Exercise)
To write a letter to your spiritual guides or angels, find a calm, quiet, and comfortable environment....
Have you heard of psychometry?
Psychometry is the study of residual energy in physical objects, allowing psychic mediums to tap into...
Can you become addicted to spiritual and psychic readings?
Spiritual readings can lead to addiction, but as a medium, it's crucial to set healthy boundaries and...
Awakening & Understanding Your Intuition
The 'Awakening & Understanding Your Intuition' course offers a comprehensive exploration of one's intuitive...
Evolving with Intuition: Exercises for Personal Growth
Now is the perfect time to expand your intuition. Start developing your intuition today by delving into...
Decluttering for the Soul: A Journey to Spiritual Clarity
By letting go of belongings that no longer serve you, you create a fertile ground for positivity and...
Navigating Life’s Challenges with a Spiritual Perspective
Living life with a spiritual perspective is vital!
When we truly embrace a spiritual lifestyle, we open...
Christmas Shopping Ideas for the Spiritual Person in Your Life
Christmas ideas for that special spiritual person in your life.
Exploring the Different Types of Mediumship
Have you been considering dabbling in a field of mediumship? There are many types of mediumship for you...
Feathers Are Signs From Heaven: What You Need to Know
Have you ever been gifted a feather from heaven? Our loved ones in spirit are watching over us, and they...
5 Simple Grounding Techniques
Grounding is an essential part of our spiritual development. It can keep us centered, stabilize us emotionally,...
Is it time to see a psychic?
We are all equipped with intuition. Whether you want to utilize it, pay attention to it, or develop it...
Prompt Me: A Journey into Spiritual Exploration
Are you ready for a spiritual journey? Here are 22 thought-provoking writing prompts to take you on an...
How can a Psychic give me a reading over different platforms?
A psychic medium connects with your energy or spirits without being limited by time or space. They use...
Are you in need of a spiritual message?
We all deserve healing spiritual messages from time to time, as we are not alone in our lives. During...