Psychometry is the act of reading residual energy that is left behind amongst a physical object. Everything in life has a vibration. All living things are vibrating with life force energy. Inanimate objects also have a vibration. However, these objects vibrate more subtly than those of plants, animals, and people.
When a medium is practicing psychometry, they are tuning into the frequencies of an object and the residual energy that surrounds that object. As a psychic medium, we can tune into the history of an object by simply touching it. How amazing is that? When the medium merges their energy with that of the objects, information, impressions, and details can be perceived through their senses.
When we practice psychometry, we see past our physical eyes and submerge into the vibrational frequencies surrounding everything. All things new or old are building their very own unique story.
I find it fascinating that holding one’s generational holiday plate, for instance, can tell you its own story. The people who made that plate, sold it, bought it, and passed it on from person to person have built up that vibrational frequency it now holds. Imagine all the stories that you could tap into.
As objects, places can also be filled with residual energy. So often, people will perceive these places as haunted. However, it’s typically more so that this place holds residual energy from the events that took place there. We can access and tap into the energy that resides amongst places, just as we do for objects.
You can make a difference in the world once you have trained yourself well in psychometry. Mediums can use the psychometric ability to help find missing people and animals. I encourage you to be well-trained before getting involved. However, once trained, you could be of remarkable assistance.
If you want to practice your psychometry skills, let the antique shops, museums, and places of history become your playground. Also, you can turn to friends and family to share an object you know nothing about in advance. Below, I have included a psychometry exercise for you to follow and practice with. Give it a try and see how well you do.
Find a partner to work with and a quiet place to work. Ask your partner to bring along an item of importance to the session. Bring a unique or special item to share if you plan to practice together.
Sit across from one another in a relaxed, comfortable position. Set your hands on your lap with your palms facing up, and ask your partner to place the item in your hand. Only do one object and one person at a time.
When you have the object in your hand, you will need to set your intention to connect with the energy of this object and that which surrounds it. You can say this out loud or inside yourself. We can set our intention with a prayer or an affirmation, whatever is right for you. You may wish to close or keep your eyes open; go with what feels most comfortable for you. Be open to receiving any impressions that are delivered to your senses.
You will want to tell your partner everything you are receiving. You may experience impressions as images, thoughts, feelings, or a knowing. Also, you may pick up on a taste or smell you did not have before beginning this work. Sometimes, when tuning into an object, we hear clairaudiently within ourselves. No matter what you receive and perceive, your job will be to share it with your partner. What might not make sense to you may be significant to your partner.
When you have given everything you received to your partner, thank the object and your partner for sharing it. We always want to share our gratitude when doing any spiritual work. Lastly, ask your partner for some detailed feedback.
The more you practice this exercise, the better you will become at receiving and relaying the information. If you visit somewhere with a lot of history, try to pick up on things before doing any reading or research on what you are examining. See how well you did when you picked up all you could without looking.
Always remember that you are only human as you go on to do this work. We will make mistakes along the way; that is how we grow. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and be a student of the universe.
If you want to grow your intuitive abilities, I would love to see you in one of my spiritual courses. You can click the following course links to access them: Awakening and Understanding Your Intuition and Expanding Your Intuition