Remembrance Journal: A prompting journal for the grieving soul
This journal of remembrance is very dear to my heart. I wrote this prompting journal for those who have lost someone special.
If you are grieving, this journal is for you. If you want to take a walk down memory lane, this journal can help you do that, as it prompts you to write about those precious memories.
The Remembrance Journal was written with the idea that you may want to leave this book as a legacy for other family members to cherish. Inside this journal, there will be a place for you to put a picture of your loved one. You will also find some beautiful quotes throughout to touch your heart.
You can get your Remembrance Journal right here: Book Link
A prompting journal for the grieving soul. This is a safe place to share the most memorable moments with your loved one. Allow yourself time to write through those memories that bring you laughter, move you to tears, and keep you cherishing the years. Gift yourself the permission to grieve; it is then that you can begin to heal.
My deepest sympathies for your loss.
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