Instead, death is just the shedding of the physical body. Our loved ones are still within reach. When we start to grasp this concept, realizing that it is a change of one’s soul to its original form, we can begin to let go of our fears. We can celebrate one’s life lived more freely.
Sure, your loved one will not be here to drive you to the movies, wrap their arms around you ever so tightly, or make you a cup of soup when you’re feeling blue. However, I would like you to walk this journey with me, seeing all the possibilities and ways they are still present.
Allow yourself to let your guards and walls down. Over time, you may have gathered your beliefs from the belief systems of others. Seek out your very own truths and ideas; you are so deserving of that. Also, life is too short to live under someone else’s thinking. Your loved ones are still here, advising you, celebrating with you, and loving you all of your days. It is time to go ahead and let them in.
If it has been a week, a few months, or even thirty years, it is still possible for you to connect. Do you have a relationship that needs to be mended, but you were separated by death? Please listen to me. It is not too late. If things were left unsaid, No matter how long the person has been gone, it is not too late. Contacting your loved one or opening yourself up to them has no boundaries on how the person died or how long it may have been.
People will tell me, “Well, my father has been gone forty-five years now, so that couldn’t have been him that sent me such a sign.” Yawn, I hear you, but it was him. If your favorite song you and Dad shared came up on the car radio while driving home from visiting him at the cemetery, you think of him and then look over to see the singer’s tour bus beside you. Please pay attention. Spirit worked extremely hard for you, showing you that they are with you at that moment and probably many moments leading up to that one.
Try saying thank you instead of brushing it off. When we say thank you, it hugs spirit; it tells them you hear and appreciate them. Now they know you are open to receiving more.
If this is your first time seeking to connect with your loved one, let them know you are now open for business. It is okay to take baby steps toward this possibility; there is no need to rush. We should start by asking your loved one to be present and inviting them in for the party.
Let’s start here with a simple little prayer:
Dear ________, I welcome you to join me here at this time in my life. I am opening myself to receiving your love, support, and guidance. My door is now open for you. Please help me to feel your presence, see your signs, and experience your devotion. Thank you for taking this opportunity with me to grow our relationship further. I am excited to hear from you.
All my love and blessings
This is a small step in opening yourself up and tuning in to speak to your loved one. Please be sure to look for the signs. They may come in many different forms. You may notice a feeling you get when you are in meditation. Maybe your loved one comes for a visit in your dreams. They may reach you through music, a movie, or another person. You could always get a sign from spirit through communication with their favorite animal, an unexpected feather, or even the car’s license plate in front of yours. Spirits could reach out to you with one of their old pranks, a smell of perfume, or a picture that falls over unexpectedly. Whatever sign they give you, be sure to acknowledge it. Always say thank you, as Spirit works hard to get to you.
Everything is in divine timing.
Remember always that you are connected to your loved ones in spirit, directly, and above all else. Whether they are friends, relatives, or spouses, you hold the channel within you to reach them. That said, if you get stuck, you can always reach out to a medium to help you build the bridge of your connection. Spiritual mediums can help you confirm things you may have felt or denied.
Another way in which you can reach out to your loved ones is through meditation. Allow yourself to let go of any expectations you hold concerning meditation. When meditating, go in for the experience without a ton of pressure on yourself; whatever comes to you, honor it. In time, you will begin to trust each of your experiences.
Below, I have written a little meditation for you to try. You can look to YouTube and other applications for further mediations.
Start by taking a few deep breaths in a place where you can allow total relaxation. A lightly lit room would be acceptable. Light some candles if it helps you relax. You could also burn some sage, cedar, or incense. Sit or lay down in a position that will not put you to sleep but where you can be comfortable.
I want you to visualize yourself walking upon a path. This path may take any form you wish, but it is within a deep green forest.
As you bring the forest into focus, you observe it, seeing it extend downward into the distance. Walk further within the deep greens of the woods.
Be sure to take notice of all the scents surrounding you. Look at all the beauty among the trees and all the colors within the plants and flowers. Visualize yourself approaching the descended area of the forest. Go ahead and let yourself start walking downward on that path.
As you continue your journey, listen to the sounds of the birds and animals around you. Are any animals close to you or on your path? Let yourself descend downward, going further into the deep green forest.
Up ahead, I want you to notice an opening; the sun is shining through the trees, there is a clearing, and it’s illuminating a wooden bridge ahead of you. There is calming blue water beneath the bridge; it is just beautiful! As you look across the bridge, there are some stone steps, and the light is pouring down from the sun, casting over those steps.
You want to walk across the bridge, so you do. Crossing the bridge makes you feel calm, at peace, and full of love.
Once you have crossed the bridge, you climb the stone steps. When you reach the top, you take notice of all the beauty surrounding you, the vibrancy of the pasture, and the flowers. There are hedges on both sides of you now meeting up with your path, filled with a beautiful fragrance. It is captivating. As the green hedges direct you down your pathway, you notice it leads you to a bench. The bench is sitting among a circular bed of flowers. You are feeling so calm and at peace. You belong here, and you are loved. You can walk to the bench and curb your longing to sit on it. Sitting down, you take a deep breath, feeling comfortable and relaxed. As you sit amongst the silence, Spirit starts to come near you. Invite them to sit next to you, welcoming them to your space. Ask them to come closer if you feel there is any distance.
Now, sit with them on your bench, taking in all you can feel, hear, and see. Please don’t force anything or judge it. You may want to ask questions, or you may want to sit and observe. Whatever comes naturally to you is what’s meant to be.
Sit for as long as it feels right to you.
When you have finished sitting with Spirit, thank them for coming and sharing with you. Invite them back to do this with you again, another day. When Spirit has left, it is time to walk your path back to where you started. Walk back through the hedged path, down the stone steps, and over the wooden bridge. Say goodbye to all the beautiful animals, plants, and flowers you met along the way. Make your way back through the forest, but know you can return any time that feels right.
As you take this journey back, you become increasingly aware of your surroundings. Remember to be grateful for the experience, no matter what it was for you. You are feeling refreshed. You have now left the forest filled with Spirit’s love.
Any experiences you had during your meditation, honor them, even if it’s not what you were hoping for. Sometimes, it takes a person several sessions to note something remarkable. Just know it will all happen as it should, in divine timing.
It would be best if you started a journal of your meditation experiences. Journaling is one of my favorite tools, especially if you have conversations with Spirit that you always want to remember. You may have experienced certain plants or animals that held specific meaning to you on your path.
Writing letters is one of my favorite ways to connect with a loved one. One day, I will share these communication letters between the two worlds in one of my project books. This is something that has been happening for centuries and centuries, much longer than we even know. However, many don’t think to practice it for themselves.
Take a moment and imagine how healing it could be for you if you received a letter from your brother across the veil. Right? There are a few ways to do it, but figuring out what works best for you is always important. Something to consider is Spirit’s ability to communicate. Not necessarily will Spirit be a good communicator in the afterlife, especially if they were not one in the living. However, it could go the other way and truly surprise you.
Here are a few ways to consider: If you need help with writing, you can always hire a medium who does channel work. This would be someone who will start with their connecting rituals, ask your loved one to step forward, and then channel that communication into a letter for you.
Another option would be to skip the mediator and find a beautiful journal.
You can start by setting up a designated time and uninterrupted space for your writing. Next, create a writing ritual; this could look like you lighting a candle, praying, or meditating. Grab your favorite pen for this experience. Let this be yours and Spirit’s time together.
You’ll start by writing a letter to Spirit.
Next, you will mark on your calendar the day you wish to receive a return letter from your loved one. Grab your journal and pen, and do your rituals again when that day comes. Invite Spirit into your space as you write a letter from Spirit to yourself, answering the letter you wrote previously. You will not want to read your letter to Spirit; instead, wait until both letters are complete, then you can compare the two writings.
This can be healing if you have a relationship that needs mending, things are left unsaid, or you need to share your grief. If you choose not to write to spirit first, that is fine too; see what comes in for you. Set up your writing ritual and let the words enter your space, taking form on your paper and gaining their power. Everything that comes to you, do not judge; let it flow. Do not stop to think about what you are receiving. Write it all down as quickly as it comes until there are no more words to write.
This last exercise I will share with you for now is an old-fashioned conversation. However, this conversation will be slightly different as you will play both parts. One way to try this is to sit in a chair and address your loved one in spirit. Feel free to share with them anything you choose. Do you want to address things that hurt you, concern you, or brings you sorrow? Let it all out in the open. It becomes Spirit’s turn when everything you need to say has been said. Switch chairs; now address yourself as if you were spirit. You are currently changing your perspective to that of theirs. You can also do this exercise as a psychic conversation.
So please do the same things mentioned above, but you’ll be able to do them within yourself. Create a sacred space in your third eye. It might look like an office space and be business-like; it could be a living room setting or even a beach. Set flowers up on the table, light candles, and bring a drink if you’d like. Whatever you choose for your space will make it a comfortable place that you will want to share. After decorating, you can sit in your room and invite your guests.
This exercise can even be done with someone still in the living. Do you have some unresolved issues or things to get off your chest? You can take matters into your own hands by sharing in your own space and terms. Now, go ahead and share your feelings with them; this is your time to talk. When you have finished saying everything you have to say, switch perspectives. Accept what comes in; don’t judge.
In the past, when I have had psychic conversations with people in the living, I am always surprised to see how the energy shifts around the situation. I once experienced, from a psychic conversation, a person in the living calling me to apologize for their wrongdoing. Now, not always will your experience be what you had hoped for, but listen, it never hurts to try. Think of how much better you will feel when you let it all out!
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